All Classes and Interfaces

Java offers uniform database access through the use of JDBC.
Exception thrown when an error occurs during access control
A Class that loads eml-access.xml file containing ACL for a metadata document into relational DB.
A Class that loads eml-access.xml file containing ACL for a metadata document into relational DB.
Exception thrown when an error occurs in a configuration administrative class
(on insert of XML document) Generates a unique Accession Number or if provided check it for uniqueness and register it into the db connection (on update or delete of XML document) Check for existance of provided Accession Number
Exception thrown when an error occurs because an AccessionNumber was invalid or used incorrectly.
A Class that represents an XML access rule.
Exception thrown when an error occurs in a configuration administrative class
This class is in order to fix a problem.
Control the display of the Authentication configuration page and the processing of the configuration values.
Exception class will be used in the authentication process
This an authentication class base on a username/password file.
A class to use the BCryptHash algorithm to generate the hash.
This an interface for different hash algorithms using to protect users' password in the username/password file
An interface representing the methods that should be implemented by an authentication service.
An implementation of the AuthInterface interface that allows Metacat to use the LDAP protocol for directory services.
Implementation of AuthInterface for ORCID auth (see
AuthPropertiesDelegate handles Authentication-related properties for metacat configuration.
A Class that implements session tracking for MetaCatServlet users.
An implementation of the AuthInterface interface that allows Metacat to use the LDAP protocol for directory services.
An implementation of the AuthInterface interface that allows Metacat to use the LDAP protocol for directory services.
Exception thrown when an error occurs in a configuration administrative class
Control the display of the login page
BackupPropertiesDelegate handles functionality related to backing up the main properties for metacat configuration.
Exception thrown when an error occurs in a configuration administrative class
A suite of utility classes for querying DB
A Class that represents an XML node and its contents
A client class to access the BookKeeper service
Class to query data
A Class implementing callback bethods for the SAX parser to call when processing the XML messages from the replication handler
The class to save, get and query checksums from db for a pid
Description information for the ClientView bean.
Represents Metacat's implementation of the DataONE Coordinating Node service API.
Represents Metacat's implementation of the DataONE Coordinating Node service API.
CN REST service implementation handler ****************** CNCore create() - POST /d1/cn/object/PID listFormats() - GET /d1/cn/formats getFormat() - GET /d1/cn/formats/FMTID getLogRecords - GET /d1/cn/log reserveIdentifier() - POST /d1/cn/reserve listNodes() - Not implemented registerSystemMetadata() - POST /d1/meta/PID CNRead get() - GET /d1/cn/object/PID getSystemMetadata() - GET /d1/cn/meta/PID resolve() - GET /d1/cn/resolve/PID assertRelation() - GET /d1/cn/assertRelation/PID getChecksum() - GET /d1/cn/checksum search() - Not implemented in Metacat CNAuthorization setOwner() - PUT /d1/cn/owner/PID isAuthorized() - GET /d1/cn/isAuthorized/PID setAccessPolicy() - POST /d1/cn/accessRules CNIdentity - not implemented at all on Metacat CNReplication setReplicationStatus() - PUT /replicaNotifications/PID updateReplicationMetadata() - PUT /replicaMetadata/PID setReplicationPolicy() - PUT /replicaPolicies/PID isNodeAuthorized() - GET /replicaAuthorizations/PID CNRegister -- not implemented at all in Metacat ******************
CN REST service implementation handler ****************** CNCore create() - POST /d1/cn/object/PID listFormats() - GET /d1/cn/formats getFormat() - GET /d1/cn/formats/FMTID getLogRecords - GET /d1/cn/log reserveIdentifier() - POST /d1/cn/reserve listNodes() - Not implemented registerSystemMetadata() - POST /d1/meta/PID CNRead -- get() - GET /d1/cn/object/PID getSystemMetadata() - GET /d1/cn/meta/PID resolve() - GET /d1/cn/resolve/PID assertRelation() - GET /d1/cn/assertRelation/PID getChecksum() - GET /d1/cn/checksum search() - Not implemented in Metacat CNAuthorization setOwner() - PUT /d1/cn/owner/PID isAuthorized() - GET /d1/cn/isAuthorized/PID setAccessPolicy() - POST /d1/cn/accessRules CNIdentity - not implemented at all on Metacat CNReplication setReplicationStatus() - PUT /replicaNotifications/PID updateReplicationMetadata() - PUT /replicaMetadata/PID setReplicationPolicy() - PUT /replicaPolicies/PID isNodeAuthorized() - GET /replicaAuthorizations/PID CNRegister -- not implemented at all in Metacat ******************
Routes CN REST service requests to the appropriate handler
Routes CN REST service requests to the appropriate handler
A suite of utility classes for the metadata catalog server
This class will figure out which content type it is for a given data file.
This class represents a task to report a creation of a usage to the remote bookkeeper server and set the reported date in the local usages table after the succeeded reporting
Control the display of the database configuration page and the processing of the configuration values.
This is delegate class for D1NodeService and subclasses.
This class will contact the CN to figure out the version of the service for the given node
Base class for handling D1 REST calls in Metacat
Metacat implementation of DataONE REST API as a servlet.
A factory abstract class to generate the datacite metadata (xml format) for an DOI object.
A utility class for configuring DataONE setting
Control the display of the database configuration page and the processing of the configuration values.
A class represent a connection object, it includes connection itself, index, status, age, createtime, connection time, usageCount, warning message
A class represent a DBConnection pool.
A database aware Class implementing DTDHandler interface for the SAX parser to call when processing the XML stream and intercepting notations and unparsed entities
A database aware Class implementing EntityResolver interface for the SAX parser to call when processing the XML stream and intercepting any external entities (including the external DTD subset and external parameter entities, if any) before including them.
A database aware Class implementing callback bethods for the SAX parser to call when processing the XML stream and generating events.
A Class that transforms XML documents utitlizing XSL style sheets Building a transformer from the .xsl is expensive, so Templates are used as an intermediate construct to allow lightweight construction of Transformers.
A suite of utility classes for querying DB
Name: Purpose: A Class that validates XML documents This class is designed to be parser independent i.e.
Default factory to generate a simple datacite metadata xml string
This class represents a thread task to report an event to delete of an exiting usage to the remote bookkeeper server.
A class to parse document ids The docid is of the form siteCode.uniqueId.rev
A class that represents an XML document.
Exception thrown when the requested docid does not exist on the server
A suite of utility classes for the metadata catalog server
An exception that encapsulates errors from the DOI service.
An abstract class for the DOI service
A factory class to initialize an instance of DOIService based on the configuration in the file
The class to back up dropped tables to the csv files during the upgrade process to 3.0.0
Provides eml-2.0.0 documents.
Provides eml-2.0.1 documents.
Before Metacat 1.8.1 release, Metacat uses the eml201 schema with the tag RELEASE_EML_2_0_1_UPDATE_5.
Provides eml-2.1.0 documents.
Provides eml-2.1.1 documents.
A factory to generate data cite meta data for the scientific meta data standards - eml-2.*
Convert native "item" to oai_dc.
Exception thrown when an error occurs in a configuration administrative class
Exception thrown when an error occurs in a utility method
EventLog is used to initialize and store a log of events that occur in an application.
A data structure holding the information to be logged about an event.
This class represents a filter to prevent the events generated by some ip addresses and subjects to be logged into db
Control the display of the ezid configuration page and the processing of the configuration values.
Singleton for interacting with the EZID DOI library.
A timer to regenerate failed index tasks or index tasks in a given time frame.
This class periodically gets reporting usages which were failed to be reported to the remote book keeper service (e.g.
This class represents an GetRecord response on either the server or on the client
Class handling metacat scheme URLs by delegating connection requests to the MetacatURLConnection class
Exception thrown when an error occurs in a configuration administrative class
HarvesterVerb is the parent class for each of the OAI verbs.
An admin class to convert the old style file store to a HashStore
Manage the relationship between Metacat local identifiers (LocalIDs) that are codified as the (docid, rev) pair with globally unique string identifiers (GUIDs) that are opaque strings.
This class represents an Identify response on either the server or on the client
The IndexGenerator class will publish (send) the index information to a RabbitMQ queue.
A timer to regenerate failed index tasks or index tasks in a given time frame.
Encapsulate an InputStream within a DataSource interface so that it is accessible to MIME processors.
Exception thrown when an error occurs because a Metacat server operation requires higher access rights than the currently logged in user has.
An exception class indicate the given system metadata is invalid.
The handler of JSON-LD objects to save bytes to disk
Collection of administrative initialization tasks that need to be performed automatically on startup, when running in Kubernetes.
A class to save/retrieve the last re-index date.
This class represents an ListIdentifiers response on either the server or on the client.
This class represents an ListMetadataFormats response on either the server or on the client
This class represents an ListRecords response on either the server or on the client
This class represents an ListSets response on either the server or on the client
A child class of the Usage class of BookKeeper.
Control the display of the login page
This class represents a converter to convert an DataONE v2 Log object to a v1 Log object.
A class to convert a v2 LogEntry object to a v1 LogEntry object
A wrapper class to gap the difference in the signature of setEvent between the v2 and v1 LogEntry objects.
A wrapper class to gap the difference in the signature of setEvent between the v2 and v1 LogEntry objects.
Exception thrown when an error occurs because a document with a given ID could not be found in the metacat database.
Exception thrown when an error occurs because a problem occurred in the metacat database.
A class of SystemMetadata which can hold multiple checksums
This interface provides methods for initializing and logging in to a Metacat server, and then querying, reading, transforming, inserting, updating and deleting documents from that server.
A suite of utility classes for querying DB
Entry servlet for the metadata configuration utility
Exception thrown when a Metacat server denies a login authentication request.
MetacatCatalog is an implementation of AbstractCatalog interface.
This interface provides methods for initializing and logging in to a Metacat server, and then querying, reading, transforming, inserting, updating and deleting documents from that server.
Exception thrown when an error occurs during a metacat operation.
This class is a factory which allows the caller to create an instance of a Metacat object for accessing a metacat server.
General entry point for the Metacat server which is called from various mechanisms such as the standard MetacatServlet class and the various web service servlets such as RestServlet class.
Exception thrown when a Metacat server is not accessible for the operation requested.
A class to initialize Metacat
MetacatRecordFactory converts native Metacat documents to OAI-PMH records.
This interface provides methods for initializing and logging in to a Metacat REST API, and then querying, reading, transforming, inserting, updating and deleting documents from that server.
A metadata catalog server implemented as a Java Servlet All actions are disabled since Metacat 3.0.0
This class handles the request for getting the solr engine description.
This class will query the solr server and return the result.
Handle requests for metacat scheme URLs
A suite of utility classes for the metadata catalog server
Exception thrown when an error occurs in a utility method
Represents Metacat's implementation of the DataONE Member Node service API.
Represents Metacat's implementation of the DataONE Member Node service API, v1.
MN REST service implementation handler ****************** MNCore -- ping() - GET /d1/mn/monitor/ping log() - GET /d1/mn/log **getObjectStatistics() - GET /d1/mn/monitor/object getOperationsStatistics - GET /d1/mn/monitor/event **getStatus - GET /d1/mn/monitor/status getCapabilities() - GET /d1/mn/ and /d1/mn/node MNRead -- get() - GET /d1/mn/object/PID getSystemMetadata() - GET /d1/mn/meta/PID describe() - HEAD /d1/mn/object/PID getChecksum() - GET /d1/mn/checksum/PID listObjects() - GET /d1/mn/object synchronizationFailed() - POST /d1/mn/error MNAuthorization -- isAuthorized() - GET /d1/mn/isAuthorized/PID setAccessPolicy() - PUT /d1/mn/accessRules/PID MNStorage - create() - POST /d1/mn/object/PID update() - PUT /d1/mn/object/PID delete() - DELETE /d1/mn/object/PID archive() - PUT /d1/mn/archive/PID systemMetadataChanged() - POST /dirtySystemMetadata/PID MNReplication replicate() - POST /d1/mn/replicate getReplica() - GET /d1/mn/replica ******************
MN REST service implementation handler ****************** MNCore ping() - GET /d1/mn/monitor/ping log() - GET /d1/mn/log **getObjectStatistics() - GET /d1/mn/monitor/object getOperationsStatistics - GET /d1/mn/monitor/event **getStatus - GET /d1/mn/monitor/status getCapabilities() - GET /d1/mn/ and /d1/mn/node MNRead get() - GET /d1/mn/object/PID getSystemMetadata() - GET /d1/mn/meta/PID describe() - HEAD /d1/mn/object/PID getChecksum() - GET /d1/mn/checksum/PID listObjects() - GET /d1/mn/object synchronizationFailed() - POST /d1/mn/error MNAuthorization isAuthorized() - GET /d1/mn/isAuthorized/PID setAccessPolicy() - PUT /d1/mn/accessRules/PID MNStorage create() - POST /d1/mn/object/PID update() - PUT /d1/mn/object/PID delete() - DELETE /d1/mn/object/PID archive() - PUT /d1/mn/archive/PID updateSystemMetadata() - PUT /d1/mn/meta systemMetadataChanged() - POST /dirtySystemMetadata/PID MNReplication replicate() - POST /d1/mn/replicate getReplica() - GET /d1/mn/replica MNAdmin reindex() - PUT /d1/mn/index updateIdMetadata() - PUT /d1/mn/identifiers ******************
Routes MN REST service requests to the appropriate handler
Routes MN REST service requests to the appropriate handler
A class extends from the MultipartRequest class with the extra information of system meta data
A collection of static utility methods for networking
A utility class that sorts two node records.
A utility class that encapsulates a node and its data
This class enforces the node replication policies such as the allowed node list, maximum size and allowed format list
The abstract class to validate non-xml meta data objects
The factory and utility methods for the NonXMLMetadataHandlers
OAIHandler is the primary Servlet for OAICat.
Implements a subset of the DataONE CNCore services in Metacat.
This is the Metacat version of the ObjectMetadata of Hashstore ObjectMetadata is a class that models a unique identifier for an object in the HashStore.
The Oracle db adapter implementation.
The implementation class for the OSTI (DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information) DOI service Details of OSTI eink:
A class sends emails to clients when errors happened during the interaction process between Metacat and the OSTI Elink service.
A class that handles downloading data packages under the V2 format.
PathIndexEntry contains all of the data fields needed to insert an path into the xml_index table or the xml_path_index table, depending on which constructor is used.
Exception thrown when an error occurs with a permission order
A class enforce the portal quota service, which controls how many portals users can create
The PostgreSQL db adapter implementation.
This class will ensure the upgrade process to 3.0.0 is from version 2.19.*.
Control the display of the main properties configuration page and the processing of the configuration values.
A Class that provides a wrapper around standard java.util.Properties to provide backwards compatibility with metacat's original properties implementation
A suite of utility classes for the metadata configuration utility
Control the display of the quota -service configuration page and the processing of the configuration values.
Represents a class to manipulate the usages table for the quota service in the postgresql database
A class represents an abstract quota service.
A class manages the quota service for users
A class to decide the quota type (storage, portal and etc) based on the given name space
A checker to determine if the Metacat is in the read-only mode by checking the property of database.readOnly.
This class will create a new resource map by modifying a given resourceMap input stream.
A database aware Class to handle schema location.
Exception thrown when an error occurs in a configuration administrative class
A Sitemap represents a document that lists all of the content of the Metacat server for use by harvesting spiders that wish to index the contents of the Metacat site.
A suite of utility classes for the skin configuration utility
Control the display of the Solr configuration page and the processing of the configuration values.
This class represents an object to upgrade the solrconfig.xml on the Metacat upgrade process.
A class to find the version of a JVM against which the solr is running
A class to upgrade solr configuration files in the upgrade process to Metacat 3.0.0
An exception happens when an administrator modified a the schema.xml in the solr home.
This class will overwrite the existing schema under the /solr-home/conf/schema.xml Here is the algorithm: 1.
This class will check if the given solr home directory is for an embedded solr server which is used in the earlier Metacat versions.
The MS SQL Server db adapter implementation.
An implementation of ServletContextListener that is called automatically by the servlet container on startup, and used to verify that we have the essential components in place for Metacat to run successfully.
The HashStore implementation of the Storage interface.
This class will stream the file parts of the multipart request into a temporary file.
A class to validate the given system metadata object
Updates existing DOI registrations for EML versions
This class represents a thread task to report a updating of an exiting usage to the remote bookkeeper server.
Run this class when the users upgrade their Metacat instances to 3.0.0.
The parent class reporting usages to the remote book keeper server and logging the quota usages events into the local database.
This class will parse the root element to figure out the namespace of the root element(we also call it the namespace of the element).
Historically, early versions of Metacat only store the metadata documents in the xml_nodes and xml_nodes_revsions tables rather than the files.
This class represents the information for a schema without a namespace
A class will parse an schema file to get information - such as included xsd files in this schema