Class PropertyService


public class PropertyService extends BaseService
A suite of utility classes for the metadata configuration utility
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • getInstance

      public static PropertyService getInstance(javax.servlet.ServletContext context) throws ServiceException
      Get the single instance of PropertyService.
      context - a reference to the ServletContext
      the single instance of PropertyService
      ServiceException - if initialization of new instance fails
    • getInstance

      public static PropertyService getInstance(String testConfigFileDir) throws ServiceException
      Get the single instance of PropertyService for test purposes. In this case, we allow the configuration directory to be passed in.
      testConfigFileDir - the test configuration directory we need to look in
      the single instance of PropertyService
      ServiceException - if initialization of new instance fails
    • getInstanceForTesting

      public static PropertyService getInstanceForTesting(Path testDefaultPropertiesFilePath, Path testSitePropertiesFilePath) throws ServiceException
      Get the single instance of PropertyService for test purposes. In this case, we allow passing in the paths (relative to the working directory) to both the default properties file (e.g. lib/ and the site-specific (or in this case, the test-specific) properties file (eg test/ to be overlaid on top of those defaults.
      testDefaultPropertiesFilePath - the path to the default properties file (relative to the working directory)
      testSitePropertiesFilePath - the path to the site-specific properties overlay file (relative to the working directory)
      the single instance of PropertyService
      ServiceException - if initialization of new instance fails
    • getInstance

      public static PropertyService getInstance() throws ServiceException
      Get the single instance of PropertyService, only after it has been previously instantiated with a call to one of the other getInstance() methods passing either a reference to the servlet context or the config file path
      the single instance of PropertyService
      ServiceException - if there was an attempt to call getInstance() without parameters, before a PropertyService instance has first been created with either a servlet context or config file path.
    • getProperty

      public static String getProperty(String propertyName) throws edu.ucsb.nceas.utilities.PropertyNotFoundException
      Get a property value. 1. First check if the property has been overridden by an environment variable (override mappings are defined in the properties files as: "application.envSecretKeys") 2. if no environment variable override is found, then return the regular value from the properties files, if it has been set. Otherwise, throw a PropertyNotFoundException
      propertyName - the name of the property requested
      the String value for the property, even if blank. Will never return null
      edu.ucsb.nceas.utilities.PropertyNotFoundException - if the passed propertyName key is not in the properties at all
    • getPropertyNames

      public static Vector<String> getPropertyNames()
      Get a set of all property names.
      Vector of property names
    • getPropertyNamesByGroup

      public static Vector<String> getPropertyNamesByGroup(String groupName)
      Get a Set of all property names that start with the groupName prefix.
      groupName - the prefix of the keys to search for.
      enumeration of property names
    • getPropertiesByGroup

      public static Map<String,String> getPropertiesByGroup(String groupName) throws edu.ucsb.nceas.utilities.PropertyNotFoundException
      Get a Map of all properties that start with the groupName prefix.
      groupName - the prefix of the keys to search for.
      Map of property names
      edu.ucsb.nceas.utilities.PropertyNotFoundException - if the passed groupName key is not in the properties at all
    • setProperty

      public static void setProperty(String propertyName, String newValue) throws edu.ucsb.nceas.utilities.GeneralPropertyException
      Utility method to set a property value both in memory and to the properties file
      propertyName - the name of the property requested
      newValue - the new value for the property
      edu.ucsb.nceas.utilities.GeneralPropertyException - if there are problems manipulating the required properties
    • setPropertyNoPersist

      public static void setPropertyNoPersist(String propertyName, String newValue) throws edu.ucsb.nceas.utilities.GeneralPropertyException
      Utility method to set a property value in memory. This will NOT cause the property to be written to disk. Use this method to set multiple properties in a row without causing excessive I/O. You must call persistProperties() once you're done setting properties to have them written to disk.
      propertyName - the name of the property requested
      newValue - the new value for the property
      edu.ucsb.nceas.utilities.GeneralPropertyException - if there are problems manipulating the required properties
    • persistProperties

      public static void persistProperties() throws edu.ucsb.nceas.utilities.GeneralPropertyException
      Save the properties to a properties file on disk.
      edu.ucsb.nceas.utilities.GeneralPropertyException - if there are problems manipulating the properties
    • getMainBackupProperties

      public static edu.ucsb.nceas.utilities.SortedProperties getMainBackupProperties()
      Get the main backup properties file. These are configurable properties that are stored outside the metacat install directories so the user does not need to re-enter all the configuration information every time they do an upgrade.
      a SortedProperties object with the backup properties
    • getAuthBackupProperties

      public static edu.ucsb.nceas.utilities.SortedProperties getAuthBackupProperties()
      Get the auth backup properties file. These are configurable properties that are stored outside the metacat install directories so the user does not need to re-enter all the configuration information every time they do an upgrade.
      a SortedProperties object with the backup properties
    • getMainMetaData

      public static edu.ucsb.nceas.utilities.PropertiesMetaData getMainMetaData()
      Get the main properties metadata. This is retrieved from an xml file that describes the attributes of configurable properties.
      a PropertiesMetaData object with the main properties metadata
    • getAuthMetaData

      public static edu.ucsb.nceas.utilities.PropertiesMetaData getAuthMetaData()
      Get the auth properties metadata. This is retrieved from an xml file that describes the attributes of configurable properties.
      a PropertiesMetaData object with the organization properties metadata
    • persistMainBackupProperties

      public static void persistMainBackupProperties() throws edu.ucsb.nceas.utilities.GeneralPropertyException
      Writes out configurable properties to a backup file outside the metacat install directory, so they are not lost if metacat installation is overwritten during an upgrade. These backup properties are used by the admin page to populate defaults when the configuration is edited. (They are also used to overwrite the main properties if bypassConfiguration() is called)
      edu.ucsb.nceas.utilities.GeneralPropertyException - if there are problems manipulating the required properties
    • persistAuthBackupProperties

      public static void persistAuthBackupProperties() throws edu.ucsb.nceas.utilities.GeneralPropertyException
      Writes out configurable properties to a backup file outside the metacat install directory, so they are not lost if metacat installation is overwritten during an upgrade. These backup properties are used by the admin page to populate defaults when the configuration is edited. (They are also used to overwrite the main properties if bypassConfiguration() is called)
      edu.ucsb.nceas.utilities.GeneralPropertyException - if there are problems manipulating the required properties
    • arePropertiesConfigured

      public static boolean arePropertiesConfigured() throws edu.ucsb.nceas.utilities.GeneralPropertyException
      Reports whether properties are fully configured, by checking the value of the property "configutil.propertiesConfigured", which is set from the Admin flow.
      a boolean that is true if properties are configured and false otherwise
      edu.ucsb.nceas.utilities.GeneralPropertyException - if there are problems getting the "configutil.propertiesConfigured" property
      See Also:
    • doBypass

      public static boolean doBypass() throws edu.ucsb.nceas.utilities.GeneralPropertyException
      Determine if the system is able to bypass configuration. If so, the system will look for backup or "site-specific" configuration files at startup time and use those to configure metacat. The bypass options should only be set by developers. Production code should never bypass configuration.
      true if dev.runConfiguration is set to true in AND we have not already checked for bypass; false otherwise.
      edu.ucsb.nceas.utilities.GeneralPropertyException - if there are problems manipulating the required properties
    • bypassConfiguration

      public static void bypassConfiguration()
      (for dev use only) Bypasses the properties configuration utility by using the backup properties to overwrite the main properties.
    • checkAndSetProperty

      @Deprecated public static void checkAndSetProperty(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, String propertyName) throws edu.ucsb.nceas.utilities.GeneralPropertyException
      Take input from the user in an HTTP request about a property to be changed and update the metacat property file with that new value if it has changed from the value that was originally set.
      request - that was generated by the user
      propertyName - the name of the property to be checked and set
    • getRecommendedExternalDir

      public static String getRecommendedExternalDir()
      Returns the recommended external base directory. This is populated during initialization time using the SystemUtil.discoverExternalBaseDir() method. This directory will be used to suggest external user directories when the user configures metacat for the first time.
      a String holding the recommended external directory
    • setRecommendedExternalDir

      public static void setRecommendedExternalDir(String extBaseDir)
      Sets the recommended external directory. This is populated during initialization time using the SystemUtil.discoverExternalDir() method. This directory will be used to suggest external user directories when the user configures metacat for the first time.
    • syncToSettings

      public static void syncToSettings() throws edu.ucsb.nceas.utilities.GeneralPropertyException
      The properties on the dataONE Setting class isn't synchronized with changes to the Metacat properties files. This method synchronizes (reloads) the properties' changes to the Settings class, and should be called whenever the property files are modified.
      edu.ucsb.nceas.utilities.GeneralPropertyException - if there's a problem calling Settings.augmentConfiguration()
    • getMainMetadataFilePath

      public static Path getMainMetadataFilePath()
      Get the path to the main Metadata file, which holds configuration information about main properties. This is primarily used to display input fields on the configuration page. The information is retrieved from an xml metadata file
    • getBackupDirPath

      public static Path getBackupDirPath() throws edu.ucsb.nceas.utilities.GeneralPropertyException
      Get the path to the directory where the backup properties are stored, and as a side effect, update the properties file to save this path as "application.backupDir"
      java.nio.Path representation of the directory path
      edu.ucsb.nceas.utilities.GeneralPropertyException - if there are issues retrieving or persisting the value
    • refreshable

      public boolean refreshable()
      Specified by:
      refreshable in class BaseService
    • doRefresh

      public void doRefresh() throws ServiceException
      Specified by:
      doRefresh in class BaseService
    • stop

      public void stop() throws ServiceException
      Specified by:
      stop in class BaseService