Class DocumentUtil


public class DocumentUtil extends Object
A suite of utility classes for the metadata catalog server
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • DocumentUtil

      public DocumentUtil()
  • Method Details

    • getAccessionNumberFromEcogridIdentifier

      public static String getAccessionNumberFromEcogridIdentifier(String identifier)
      Eocgorid identifier will look like: ecogrid://knb/tao.1.1 The AccessionNumber tao.1.1 will be returned. If the given doesn't contains ecogrid, null will be returned.
      identifier - String
    • getDocIdFromString

      public static String getDocIdFromString(String str)
      Utility method to get docid from a given string
      string - , the given string should be these two format: 1) str1.str2 in this case docid= str1.str2 2) str1.str2.str3, in this case docid =str1.str2
      the - sperator char
    • getVersionFromString

      public static int getVersionFromString(String str) throws NumberFormatException
      Utility method to get version number from a given string
      string - , the given string should be these two format: 1) str1.str2(no version) version =-1; 2) str1.str2.str3, in this case version = str3; 3) other, vresion =-2
    • getRevisionStringFromString

      public static String getRevisionStringFromString(String str) throws NumberFormatException
      Utility method to get version string from a given string
      string - , the given string should be these two format: 1) str1.str2(no version) version=null; 2) str1.str2.str3, in this case version = str3; 3) other, vresion =null;
    • appendRev

      public static String appendRev(String docid) throws edu.ucsb.nceas.utilities.PropertyNotFoundException, SQLException, McdbDocNotFoundException
      If the given docid only have one seperter, we need append rev for it. The rev come from xml_documents
    • getDocIdFromAccessionNumber

      public static String getDocIdFromAccessionNumber(String accessionNumber)
      This method will get docid from an AccessionNumber. There is no assumption the accessnumber will be str1.str2.str3. It can be more. So we think the docid will be get rid of last part
    • getSmartDocId

      public static String getSmartDocId(String str)
      This method will call both getDocIdFromString and getDocIdFromAccessionNumber. So first, if the string looks str1.str2, the docid will be str1.str2. If the string is str1.str2.str3, the docid will be str1.str2. If the string is str1.str2.str3.str4 or more, the docid will be str1.str2.str3. If the string look like str1, null will be returned
    • getRevisionFromAccessionNumber

      public static int getRevisionFromAccessionNumber(String accessionNumber) throws NumberFormatException
      This method will get revision from an AccessionNumber. There is no assumption the accessnumber will be str1.str2.str3. It can be more. So we think the docid will be get rid of last part
    • generateDocumentId

      public static String generateDocumentId(int revision)
      Create a unique docid for use in inserts and updates using the default prefix from the document.accNumPrefix property. Does not include the 'revision' part of the id if revision is '0', otherwise sets the revision number to 'revision'.
      idPrefix - the prefix to be used to construct the scope portion of the docid
      revision - the integer revision to use for this docid
      a String docid based on the current date and time
    • generateDocumentId

      public static String generateDocumentId(String idPrefix, int revision)
      Create a unique docid for use in inserts and updates using the prefix that is provided. Does not include the 'revision' part of the id if revision is '0', otherwise sets the revision number to 'revision'.
      idPrefix - the prefix to be used to construct the scope portion of the docid
      revision - the integer revision to use for this docid
      a String docid based on the current date and time
    • getSystemMetadataContent

      public static String getSystemMetadataContent(String docInfoStr)
      Get the content between the system metadata start and end tag
    • getContentWithoutSystemMetadata

      public static String getContentWithoutSystemMetadata(String docInfoStr)
      Get the string WITHOUT the content between the system metadata start and end tag