Data Object Description
Physical Structure Description:
Object Name:VariableRenaming_20110711.csv
Size:28019 byte
Text Format:
Number of Header Lines:0
Record Delimiter:#x0A
Attribute Orientation:column
Simple Delimited:
Field Delimeter:,
Number Of Records:162
Online Distribution Info:
Attribute(s) Info:
NameColumn LabelDefinitionType of ValueMeasurement TypeMeasurement DomainMissing Value CodeAccuracy ReportAccuracy AssessmentCoverageMethod
This dataset is called into the DataCleaning_20120105.R script to convert the questions (this column) and answers (next column) from the survey into simple parameter names, without any numbers, spaces, or symbols.   nominal
DefSurvey questions
This dataset is called into the DataCleaning_20120105.R script to convert the questions (previous column) and answers (this column) from the survey into simple parameter names, without any numbers, spaces, or symbols.   nominal
DefCoded answers