Data Object Description
Name:Data Cleaning R script
Description:R script for cleaning up data prior to analysis. This script removes spaces, substitutes text for codes, removed duplicate schools, and converts questions and answers from the survey into more simple parameter names, without any numbers, spaces, or symbols. This script is heavily annotated to assist the user of the file in understanding what is being done to the data files. The script produces the file cleandata_[date].Rdata, which is called in the file DataTrimming_20120105.R
Physical Structure Description:
Object Name:DataCleaning_20120105.R
Externally Defined Format:
Format Name:R
Online Distribution Info:
Attribute(s) Info:
NameColumn LabelDefinitionType of ValueMeasurement TypeMeasurement DomainMissing Value CodeAccuracy ReportAccuracy AssessmentCoverageMethod
R script  
This is an R script to clean up data prior to analysis.   nominal
DefR codes