Data Set Citation

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Dept. of Global Ecology, Carnegie Institution for Science / Center for Conservation Biology (UCR) and Hernandez R. 2013.
Diurnal patterns of productivity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi revealed with the Soil Ecosystem Observatory
knb.333.1 (

General Information

Title:Diurnal patterns of productivity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi revealed with the Soil Ecosystem Observatory
Alternate Identifier:Soil Ecosystem Observatory AM Fungi Dynamics and Sensor Data May 2009 2010
***to be added***
  • diurnal
  • diel
  • arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi
  • extra-radical hyphae
  • environmental sensors
  • plant-fungus
  • soil temperature
  • soil moisture
  • symbiosis
  • soil water content
  • conifer forest
  • mediterranean ecosystem
Publication Date:2013-05-28

Data Table, Image, and Other Data Details:

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Involved Parties

Data Set Creators

Organization:Dept. of Global Ecology, Carnegie Institution for Science / Center for Conservation Biology (UCR)
Individual: Rebecca R. Hernandez
Organization:Dept. of Global Ecology, Carnegie Institution for Science
260 Panama St.,
Stanford, California 94305 USA
650-462-5968 (Fax)
Email Address:

Data Set Contacts

Individual: Rebecca R. Hernandez
Organization:Dept. of Global Ecology, Carnegie Institution for Science
260 Panama St.,
Stanford, California 94305 USA
650-462-5968 (Fax)
Email Address:

Associated Parties

Individual: Rebecca R. Hernandez
Individual: Michael F. Allen

Metadata Providers

Individual: Rebecca R. Hernandez

Data Set Characteristics

Geographic Region:
Geographic Description:This study was conducted at the James San Jacinto Mountains Reserve (, part of the University of California Natural Reserve System, located at an elevation of 1,640 m in the San Jacinto Mountains (Riverside County, California. Surrounded by the San Bernardino National Forest, the James Reserve supports 12 ha of semiarid mixed conifer and oak (Quercus sp.) forests. Here, mean annual precipitation is 507 mm, occurring primarily between November and April, and mean air temperature is 10.3°C. Derived from granitic bedrock, soils at the James Reserve are Entisols, loamy-sand textured (83% sand, 10% silt, and 7% clay), and have a bulk density of 1.2 g cm^-3. We installed a single Ecosystem Observatory in July 2008 at ~ 40° declination in a meadow microsite (Fig. 1B), greater than 20 m from the nearest ectomycorrhizal tree where few if any ectomycorrhizal tips and fungi have been observed. Dominant vascular plants included, Artemisia dracunculus (tarragon), Eriogonum wrightii (buckwheat), Pteridium aquilinum (braken fern), and Bromus tectorum (cheat grass). Both molecular sequencing of root tips and direct identification of spores showed the AM fungi at the microsite to be Glomus spp.
Bounding Coordinates:
West:  -116.7778  degrees
East:  -116.7778  degrees
North:  33.8083  degrees
South:  33.8083  degrees
Time Period:
Taxonomic Range:
General Coverage:In natural soils, AM fungal hyphae are morphologically and architecturally distinct; they are typically thread-like, between 4 – 12 μm in diameter, and dichotomously branched. We used the context (extension from the root elongation zone), architecture, and morphology to resolve them and distinguish them from fine roots and other organisms within individual images captured using the Soil Ecosystem Observatory when set at 100X magnification.
Rank Name:genus
Rank Value:Glomus spp.

Sampling, Processing and Quality Control Methods

Step by Step Procedures
Step 1:  



Sampling Area And Frequency:
Sampling Description:

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