Name | Column Label | Definition | Type of Value | Measurement Type | Measurement Domain | Missing Value Code | Accuracy Report | Accuracy Assessment | Coverage | Method |
LOCATION | location
| Numeric ID for sampling location; same as IDs in table with geographic coordinates. |
| nominal |
Def | sampling location codes |
HOUR | hour
| Hour or time of day which sample was collected. Missing data indicated by -9999. |
| datetime |
DATE | date
| Date on which sample was collected. |
| datetime |
NO3-N_PPM | nitrate-nitrogen
| Nitrate-nitrogen concentration in water sample. Missing data indicated by -9999. |
| ratio |
Unit | partsPerMillion |
Precision | 0.01 |
Type | real |
SED_mg_per_L | sediment
| Sediment / suspended solids in water sample. Detection limit of 5 mg L-1; values below the detection limit are reported as 5 mg L-1. Missing data indicated by -9999. |
| ratio |
Unit | milligramsPerLiter |
Precision | 1 |
Type | real |
MRP_PPB | molybdate-reactive phosphorus
| Molybdate-reactive phosphorus concentration in water sample. Missing data indicated by -9999. |
| ratio |
Unit | partsPerBillion |
Precision | 1 |
Type | real |
TDP_PPB | total dissolved phosphorus
| Total dissolved phosphorus concentration in water sample. Missing data indicated by -9999 |
| ratio |
Unit | partsPerBillion |
Precision | 1 |
Type | real |
NH4-N_PPM | ammonium-nitrogen
| Ammonium-nitrogen concentration in water sample. Missing data indicated by -9999. |
| ratio |
Unit | partsPerMillion |
Precision | 0.01 |
Type | real |