Data Set Citation

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Ellison A and Adamec L. 2011.
Ecophysiology of carnivorous plants
knb-lter-hfr.168.3 (

General Information

Title:Ecophysiology of carnivorous plants
Alternate Identifier:HF168

Identification of trade-offs among physiological and morphological traits and their use in cost-benefit models and ecological or evolutionary optimization arguments have been hallmarks of ecological analysis for at least 50 years. Carnivorous plants are model systems for studying a wide range of ecophysiological and ecological processes and the application of a cost-benefit model for the evolution of carnivory by plants has provided many novel insights into trait-based cost-benefit models. Central to the cost-benefit model for the evolution of botanical carnivory is the relationship between nutrients and photosynthesis; of primary interest is how carnivorous plants efficiently obtain scarce nutrients that are supplied primarily in organic form as prey, digest and mineralize them so that they can be readily used, and allocate them to immediate versus future needs. Most carnivorous plants are terrestrial - they are rooted in sandy or peaty wetland soils - and most studies of cost-benefit trade-offs in carnivorous plants are based on terrestrial carnivorous plants. However more than 10% of carnivorous plants are unrooted aquatic plants. By examining data published between 1980 and 2011, we ask whether the cost-benefit model applies equally well to aquatic carnivorous plants and what general insights into trade-off models are gained by this comparison. Nutrient limitation is more pronounced in terrestrial carnivorous plants, which also have much lower growth rates and much higher ratio of dark respiration to photosynthetic rates than aquatic carnivorous plants. Phylogenetic constraints on ecophysiological trade-offs among carnivorous plants remain unexplored. Despite differences in detail, the general cost-benefit framework continues to be of great utility in understanding the evolutionary ecology of carnivorous plants. We provide a research agenda that if implemented would further our understanding of ecophysiological trade-offs in carnivorous plants and also would provide broader insights into similarities and differences between aquatic and terrestrial plants of all types.

  • carnivorous plants
  • evolution
  • photosynthesis
  • plant physiology
  • respiration
Publication Date:2011

Data Table, Image, and Other Data Details:

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Data Table:hf168-01-RGR-comp.csv ( View Metadata | Download File download)
Data Table:hf168-02-RD-Amax.csv ( View Metadata | Download File download)
Data Table:hf168-03-NPK.csv ( View Metadata | Download File download)
Data Table:hf168-04-references.csv ( View Metadata | Download File download)

Involved Parties

Data Set Creators

Individual: Aaron Ellison
Individual: Lubomir Adamec

Data Set Contacts

Individual: Aaron Ellison
Organization:Harvard Forest
324 North Main Street,
Petersham, MA 01366 USA
(978) 724-3302 (voice)
Email Address:

Data Set Publishers

Organization:Harvard Forest
324 North Main Street,
Petersham, MA 01366 USA
(978) 724-3302 (voice)
(978) 724-3595 (fax)
Web Address:

Data Set Characteristics

Geographic Region:
Geographic Description:Global
Bounding Coordinates:
West:  -180  degrees
East:  +180  degrees
North:  +90  degrees
South:  -90  degrees
Time Period:
Taxonomic Range:
Rank Name:genus
Rank Value:Dionaea
Rank Name:species
Rank Value:sp.
Rank Name:genus
Rank Value:Drosera
Rank Name:species
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Rank Name:genus
Rank Value:Nepenthes
Rank Name:species
Rank Value:sp.
Rank Name:genus
Rank Value:Pinguicula
Rank Name:species
Rank Value:sp.
Rank Name:genus
Rank Value:Sarracenia
Rank Name:species
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Rank Name:genus
Rank Value:Triphyophyllum
Rank Name:species
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Rank Name:genus
Rank Value:Utricularia
Rank Name:species
Rank Value:sp.

Sampling, Processing and Quality Control Methods

Step by Step Procedures
Step 1:  

We review literature on carnivorous plant ecophysiology published between 1980 and 2011. These data are placed in the context of a broader understanding of differences and similarities in fundamental ecophysiological traits - structural characteristics, growth patterns and rates, photosynthesis, and nutrient uptake and use - of aquatic and terrestrial carnivorous plants. We then use these contrasts to assess cost-benefit relationships among these traits in aquatic and terrestrial carnivorous plants and ask whether these patterns can inform trait-based models for plants growing in either terrestrial or aquatic habitats. In addition, we explore how phylogeny may have constrained observed patterns of the evolution of botanical carnivory. This broad analysis is used to outline a set of research needs to further our understanding of the evolutionary physiology of carnivorous plants and to incorporate them fully into general trait-based models of plant form and function.

For more details see: Ellison, A. M., and L. Adamec. 2011. Ecophysiological traits of terrestrial and aquatic carnivorous plants: are the costs and benefits the same? Oikos.

Data Set Usage Rights

This dataset is released to the public and may be freely downloaded. Please keep the designated Contact person informed of any plans to use the dataset. Consultation or collaboration with the original investigators is strongly encouraged. Publications and data products that make use of the dataset must include proper acknowledgement. For more information on LTER Network data access and use policies, please see:

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