Your Metacat repository and its respective metadata and data objects can be accessed through
, which is a client-side web interface for querying Metacat servers (and other servers
that implement the DataONE REST API). The web submission form in metacatui
is the suggested
path to access and submit metadata and data to your metacat repository.
MetacatUI is the default web-interface that is shipped with Metacat.
To begin submitting data, navigate to metacatui in your internet browser at:
Then click ‘Sign in’ in the upper right hand corner. A modal will appear with a button to sign in.
In order to sign in, you will need an ORCID iD
. If you do not have one, you can sign up for
free at - after which you will receive a 16-digit ORCID iD.
Once you’ve registered and/or signed in, you will be returned to metacatui
. Move your cursor to
the upper right-hand corner and hover above your name, which will reveal a drop down menu. Click
‘Submit Data’, and add your data and metadata documents & fill in the relevant and required fields.
To submit data, first sign in, then choose your name to display a menu, and then select ‘Submit data’.¶
Alternatively, you may use the DataONE REST API to submit and access data and metadata. To learn more, please visit