Package edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.admin
package edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.admin
ClassDescriptionException thrown when an error occurs in a configuration administrative classControl the display of the Authentication configuration page and the processing of the configuration values.Control the display of the login pageControl the display of the database configuration page and the processing of the configuration values.Control the display of the database configuration page and the processing of the configuration values.Control the display of the ezid configuration page and the processing of the configuration values.An admin class to convert the old style file store to a HashStoreControl the display of the login pageA suite of utility classes for querying DBEntry servlet for the metadata configuration utilityControl the display of the main properties configuration page and the processing of the configuration values.Control the display of the quota -service configuration page and the processing of the configuration values.Control the display of the Solr configuration page and the processing of the configuration values.This class will check if the given solr home directory is for an embedded solr server which is used in the earlier Metacat versions.