7. Admin API

As a Metacat administrator/operator, you have full privileges to access and contribute data to your Metacat instance via the DataONE REST API. Additionally, there exist admin specific endpoints that you have access to:

7.1. Indexing Objects

PUT /index

  • Re-index all objects or index a single pid:

PUT /index/{pid1}

PUT /index?[all=true] | [&pid={pid}]

# Examples

PUT /index?all=true // Re-index everything
PUT /index?pid={pid1}&pid={pid2} // Re-index pid1 and pid2

7.2. Updating Metadata

PUT /identifiers

  • Update the metadata for objects identified by their identifiers:

PUT /identifiers/{pid1}

PUT /identifiers[/]?[all=true] | [&pid={pid1}] | [&formatId={formatId1}]

# Examples

PUT /identifiers/{pid1}     // Update pid1
PUT /identifiers?all=true  // Update everything
PUT /identifiers?pid={pid1}&pid={pid2}  // Update pid1 and pid2

PUT /identifiers?formatId={formatId1}&formatId={formatId2} // Update dois with formatId1 or formatId2
PUT /identifiers?formatId={formatId1}&pid={pid2} // Process all elements in a mixed list